From its earliest origins...
LiteFarm has been a project built on interdisciplinary collaboration. Farmers, researchers, designers, software professionals, donors, open-source enthusiasts and many more have all played an important part in making LiteFarm what it is today.
Our Mission
To meet farmers where they are and equip them with the tools they need to make informed and responsible decisions about the health of their farm, their livelihood, their community, and the planet.

LiteFarm has been made possible by support and incubation from the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at the University of British Columbia.

LiteFarm is a proud member of the OpenTEAM consortium. A collaborative community committed to improving soil health and advancing agriculture’s ability to become a solution to climate change through the co-development of an interoperable suite of tools.
Meet the team
LiteFarm is incubated at the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at the University of British Columbia in coordination with a global team of staff, students, and contributors.

Antonella Sgarlatta

David Trapp

Tech Lead
Farmer Success Manager
Duncan Brain
Community Manager
Meet the contributors
LiteFarm wouldn't be possible without the hard work, dedication, and commitment of its contributor community.

Carlos Moreira

Larisse Cavalcante

Mika Saryan
Meet our financial supporters
The LiteFarm project has received funding from the following groups:

![Copy of [15-07-21] 1_edited.jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/ca45dd_5507f3830cac40b08c54b2732ecb78ed~mv2.jpg/v1/crop/x_0,y_143,w_960,h_361/fill/w_850,h_320,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Copy%20of%20%5B15-07-21%5D%201_edited.jpg)
If you have any questions
or comments
Please don't hesitate to contact us at litefarm.team@ubc.ca or click the button below